"The Secret Manifesto Teaches Even The Most Underwhelmed Writers To Create Scary Stories & Scenes That Will Make Your Audiences Scream For Their Mommy!”

Get Instant Access!

Are Your Thrilling Tales Failing to Engage the Intellect? Searching for a Narrative That Resonates with Discerning Minds?

Consider this question.

Are you constantly striving to craft the next intellectually stimulating masterpiece akin to "The Da Vinci Code" or "Inception," only to find your stories lacking that cerebral impact?

I understand your pursuit.

Truly, I do.

You see, captivating the minds of your readers, provoking deep contemplation and stimulating their intellectual faculties, is no small feat.

It's an endeavor that demands meticulous attention, an art that transcends superficial storytelling.

To be honest, it's an undertaking that can't be replicated through sheer reason alone.

Stephen King Knows The Secret.  

Now You Can Too!

Stephen King has sold over 350 million copies of his books.

And many of them have been made into feature films, television shows, miniseries, and comic books.

In total Stephen King has published 54 novels including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman as well as six non fictional books.

In other words, when someone sells 350 million copies of their work…you listen!

So what separates you from having the same, similar, or even a fraction of the success that Stephen King and other similar authors have had in creating scary stories and scary scenes?

Simple. They know something you don’t.

And I’m not talking about the normal stuff like, “It all started one rainy night,” or “Instantly he was transformed into something hideous”…

It’s more than that.

Much more, but not too hard that you can’t grasp it. You’ve probably just been overlooking this missing piece.

Ghouls, Goblins, and Ghost…Oh My!

Now let me ask you another question.

Have you ever had a nightmare? I’m sure you have, but can you remember it in detail? Some yes, others no right? 

But what about the ones that stick with you? I’m talking about the ones where someone or something is chasing you and you can’t breathe or speak or you’re falling to a helpless death?

Just the thought right now is sending chills up your spine right?

Now for a moment…think on that feeling…the fear…the horror…the panic…

Got it? Good. Because that’s what I’m going to teach you how to use in my new resource that will finally let you go from wimpy scary story author to a tried and true scream generating factory.

Honestly, It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations that make some scary stories work - while others fall flat on their face.

But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right methods and formulas, you can now have it inside a new offer called: 

“How to Write Best Selling Scary Stories 

and Scenes!”

The Ultimate Guide To Bringing The Best Out In Your Thrillers, Horrors, and Other Fiction Writing Material

Don’t Even Think of Creating Your Next Scary Story or Scene Without This Resource!

I’ve spent countless hours frustrated with trying to write the perfect stories that excite and thrill the reader only to end up with squat and have to start again.

But with my persistence came a breakthrough. And I’d like to help you take the shortcut and shorten your learning curve to writing scary stories and scenes exponentially.

I’ll show you things like:

  • How to provoke these two emotions that will have your reader choked up and so frightened that they’ll jump at the drop of a pin! (page 5)

  • Four basic tips I always use to help me write scenes that shock the heck out of the reader! (page 19) 

  • The one thing you must build to make sure your scary story and scene doesn’t end anti-climactic. (page 10) 

  • The right way to put your techniques into practice. (page 7) 

  • The best way to create believable characters right from the start that makes your audience actually believe these people exist! (page 9) 

  • And so much, much more… 

I could go on and on, but why don’t I just show you what all you’ll receive in the “How To Write Scary Stories and Scenes” resource when you order today:

The How To Write Scary Stories and 

Scenes PDF Guide

This guide is filled to the brim with tips, strategies, formulas, and methods for creating the next amazing scary story and scene while at the same time able to be digested in one sitting.

Yep. You won’t have to spend the next month spending countless hours while going through useless pages of fluff and drivel. Everything is laid out in an easy to follow outline like you see below:

Four Easy To Follow Worksheets

While the pdf guide alone is incredible, I’ve also taken the liberty of giving you 4 additional super charged worksheets that will help you work through your ideas and get on the move to creating scary stories and scenes fast!

Take on The Go Audio MP3’s

With this audio set, you’ll be able to learn how to write scary scenes and stories at any time.

Take them in the car, at the gym, or even at the grocery store and learn the steps and formulas in this resource whenever you want.

And if you ever get stuck, you’ll get dynamic 100% satisfaction customer support ASAP!

Authors & Writers Over and Over Have
Succeeded With These Methods and Formulas…
Are You Next? 

You really won’t find a better resource that lays everything out for you step by step.

With the ‘How To Write Best Selling Scary Scenes and Stories’ training course, you’ll take your writing from so-so struggling pretend writer to straight up sought out author!

That’s why you can get the ‘How To Write Best Selling Scary Stories and Scenes’ training course Now For Just $27

Yep. You read that correctly.

And that’s not even the half of it. Just to show you that I don’t skimp on quality or giving you everything you need for success, I’m going to sweeten the deal even more…

Snatch Up These One of a Kind Bonuses When You Take Action Today At No Extra Cost.

Needless to say, this information is jam packed with the jealously guarded secrets that will help any writer or author learn “How to Best Selling Scary Stories and Scenes”.

Truth is, you'll never find this in-depth information in any book, manual, or course online.

But even with that said, just to sweeten the pot a bit I'm also going to hand you 2 special bonuses to reward you for taking action immediately.

Here they are:

Bonus #1: Free Copy Of Our Writer's Toolkit.

If you find yourself struggling to complete your book, tie the beginning, middle or end together or simply can't seem to find enough time to write; The "Writer's Toolkit" will show you how to "Get It Done" and more.

Just tell us where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you immediately!

Bonus #2: Plotting Your Way to Success

It’s the easiest way to create compelling stories & perfect plots.

Just use this resource in your writing and you’ll find yourself zooming through your ideas and putting them pad to pen in no time.

Once again, just tell us where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you immediately!

Don't Decide Now - Just Try Everything
At My Risk Ok?

Can I help you finally get over the hump when it comes to writing scary stories and scenes?

Maybe. Maybe not.

But the only way to find is to try everything in my program out entirely at my risk. How To Write Best Selling Scary Stories and Scenes comes with a 100% no-questions asked, money-back guarantee.

I personally guarantee that you've never heard anything like it. If you aren't completely satisfied and feel more confident in your scary story writing ability within 30 days after downloading the program, simply email us and we'll cheerfully refund your money, and you can keep everything.

There is absolutely no way that you can lose - except by not taking me up on risk-free examination of the How To Write Best Selling Scary Stories and Scenes courseand if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the two bonuses as my free gift just for giving this a shot. 

Fair enough?

I know you're probably still skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this - if you keep doing the same things over and over again - you'll only succeed in getting the same results. That's why I want to let try out my tested marketing strategy - completely and totally risk-free!

So Here’s What’s Next…

Go ahead and review everything on this page.

Take in the pdf guide, take on the go audios, and the step by step worksheets as well as the incredible bonuses. 

Once you click that button, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure order page where you’ll be able to order in complete peace.

Then you’ll be able to access your purchase to start using the steps included in this incredible resource to start creating incredible scary stories and scenes that will make your audience go wild!

So don’t delay. Go ahead and get access now and I’ll see you on the inside.
I’ll look forward to working with you,

David Steel

Yes, I Want to Learn The Techniques To Writing Best Selling Scary Stories and Scenes Now!

Need help? Have a Question? Suggestion?Feel free to reach out to us by sending anemail to Support @ WritersLife.orgor by giving us a call at 1-919-521-8981 Monday - Friday from 10am to 8pm Eastern U.S.A. 

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