“Discover The Missing Ingredient That Will Practically Force Publishing Houses To Push Your Manuscript To The Front of The Line To Get Published…”

To Every Struggling Writer...I Have To Tell You The Ugly Cold Nasty Truth:  

"You’ve Been Lied To…"

Let's face it.

At this moment, you may find yourself enticed by certain 'writing masters,' whose sole aim is to charm you into shelling out for their sky-high, underperforming courses...

It’s mesmerizing, isn't it?

You're skeptical?


Think about how much you've already spent on these courses. A handful of dollars? Or perhaps in the thousands?


They must have assured you that your publication dreams could be fulfilled by simply adopting their 'effortless' tactics.

Frankly, it's disheartening.

Why? Because they've fabricated the idea that you won’t be able to see your book in print, or even have it critiqued, WITHOUT THEIR HELP.

That's why I'm here to tell you - you've been misled.

The reality is, EVERYONE...yes, EVERYONE, has the opportunity to implement a straightforward strategy to exponentially increase their odds of seeing their work published.

And believe it or not, that includes you!

If You Can Follow This Simple Paint By Numbers Strategy…Then You Can Finally Move Closer To Getting Your Writings Published!


I’m David Steel and I’d like to show you a simple, but effective way to skyrocket your chances of success when it comes to getting your book published.

But first, I want to level with you:

Trying to get your book published is tough!

There's no doubt, it's probably the most difficult hurdler for any aspiring writer to master.

Frankly, getting your book published and on the market isn’t something you can’t fake.

Of course, some people will tell you can do fine without using this one ingredient to make publishing houses practically line up to publish your work.

WRONG!  Just because some stuffed shirt guru who makes more money selling his courses than his actual writing tells you this – doesn’t mean it’s true.

And I should know because I’ve spent a ton of all types of courses!

However, the big problem is most books and courses on the subject of getting your work published are filled with tons of fluff and filler, but not enough actual meat and simple instructions to help you get your work out there.

You practically have to be a brain surgeon to figure it all out.Sound at all familiar?

But now there's good news!...

Recently, I decided enough was enough.

I wanted to put together a bonafide tried and true resource that not only provides the missing ingredient in getting your work published, but also allows ANY ASPIRING WRITER WITH BIG DREAMS the level playing field to do so.

And today, I’m going to share that resource with you.

Now You Can Discover…

“How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get

Your Book Published”

Don’t Even Think of Submitting Your Manuscript Without This


This newly released work called “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published” is the quickest and easiest way to learn what it takes to get your work finally in the hands of the people who can bring your work to the masses.

Everything You Need To Write An Amazing Query Letter Is Included And All Ready To Go!

Inside this magnificent resource you'll get your easy to follow along pdf guide, worksheet checklists, and take on the go audio mp3’s.

Absolutely everything any aspiring writer would ever need to be successful at getting their work published.

Here’s a detailed look at what’s included:

The “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published” PDF Guide

o Chapter 1: Preparing to Write your Query

o Chapter 2: The Four Basic Components of a Query Letter

o Chapter 3: Formatting your Query

o Chapter 4: The Body of Your Query Letter

o Chapter 5: Query Letter Red Flags

o Chapter 6: Things to Keep in Mind

o Chapter 7: Examples of Good Query Letters

o Chapter 8: The Agents’ Thoughts on Querying

o Chapter 9: Top Query Letter Mistakes

o Chapter 10: Blogs You Can Follow for Advice/Recommendations

o Chapter 11: Summary

Four Easy To Follow Along Worksheets

o Character Development Worksheet

o Character Traits and Qualities Worksheet

o Planning Worksheet

o Setting Worksheet

53 Take On The Go Audio MP3’s

1. Intro (Free Gifts)

2. How To Write An Amazing Query Letter

3. Introduction

4. It Has Been Said

5. Chapter 1 - Preparing To Write Your Query

6. Begin With The Right Mindset

7. Know and Research Your Genre

8. Define Your Goals For Success

9. Chapter 2

10. Component 1 - Opening Lines

11. Component 2 - Synopsis

12. Component 3 - The Author Bio

13. Component 4 - State Your Appreciation

14. Chapter 3 - Formatting Your Query

15. Can I Send A Handwritten Query?

16. What Font Should I Use?

17. Margin Spacing

18. Agent Information

19. Date

20. Closing

21. Envelope

22. What Is The Standard Format For Email Queries?

23. Chapter 4 - The Body of Your Query Letter

24. Personalizing Your Query

25. The Hook

26. Key Elements of Your Bio

27. Publication Credits

28. Work Career

29. Writing Credibility

30. Special Research

31. Yourself

32. Things Not To Mention

33. Closing Your Letter Professionally

34. Chapter 5 - Query Letter Red Flags

35. Chapter 6 - Things To Keep In Mind

36. Can I Compare Myself To Another Author?

37. If Email Queries Are Allowed

38. How Soon Should I Follow Up?

39. Should I Refer Agents To My Website?

40. Should I Send A Synopsis?

41. How To Find Agents

42. Chapter 7 - Examples of Good Query Letters

43. Chapter 8 - The Agents Thoughts on Querying

44. Should You Mention That You Have

Self Published?

45. What If You Are Writing A Book That Doesn't

Fall Into One Specific Genre?

46. How Many Query Rejections Would Necessitate A

Major Overhaul?

47. Can Your Query Be More Than One Page?

48. If An Agent Doesn't Request It

49. How Do You Follow Up With An Agent?

50. Chapter 9 - Top Query Letter Mistakes

51. Common Phrases Authors Should Not Include

52. Chapter 10 - Blogs You Can Follow

53. Chapter 11 - Summary

And if you ever get stuck, you’ll get dynamic 100% satisfaction customer support ASAP!

So, Now There’s No Excuse…

As you can see this really is the ultimate tutorial and resource for writing a query letter that helps you succeed in getting published.

However, until now there really hasn’t been a resource quite as extensive as this on the subject of “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published”.

Even if you're somewhat of an established writer, you'll still benefit immensely from learning “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published”.

Just imagine being able to FINALLY learn the missing ingredient to EXPONENTIALLY putting the odds in your favor of getting your work published.

And you can use what you learn anytime, any place, almost anywhere…all without the inconvenience of high priced courses that don’t deliver any more value than a paperweight! 

Is This The Holy Grail of Getting Your Book Published? Nope. (But It’s Pretty Darn Close…)

Frankly, I thought long and hard about delivering this exclusive information only as part of a high-priced seminar.

But instead of going to all the trouble of arranging for a room or using glitch webinar meeting software as well as taking time out of my schedule - I settled on delivering this content by way of digital download as a perfect and convenient way to deliver this information (for the both of us).

That's why the entire “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published” is Now For Just $25.

(Don't worry downloading everything is a snap and it works for both PC and MAC users plus you still get all the bonuses listed below.)

Take Action Today And Also Snag

These Special Bonuses At No Extra Cost.

Needless to say, this information is jam packed with the jealously guarded secrets that will help any writer or author learn “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published”.

Truth is, you'll never find this in-depth information in any book, manual, or course online.

But even with that said, just to sweeten the pot a bit I'm also going to hand you 2 special bonuses to reward you for taking action immediately.
Here they are:

Bonus #1: Free Copy Of Our Writer's Toolkit.

If you find yourself struggling to complete your book, tie the beginning, middle or end together or simply can't seem to find enough time to write; The "Writer's Toolkit" will show you how to "Get It Done" and more.

Just tell us where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you immediately!

Bonus #2: Plotting Your Way to Success

Its the easiest way to create compelling stories & perfect plots.

Just use this resource in your writing and you’ll find yourself zooming through your ideas and putting them pad to pen in no time.

Once again, just tell us where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you immediately!

So as you can see, I’ve made this a no brainer to get started. Heck, the bonuses alone are more than the low cost of this resource, but just to let you know that I’m serious about your success. I’m going to take all the risk…

My ‘Take It To The Bank’ 100% Guarantee


If you don't agree that this is the most impactful, eye-opening and practical information you've ever received on the subject of “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published”, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100% refund on the spot.

No hard feelings and no questions asked. In fact, I'll extend this guarantee for an entire 30 days after you get everything!

That's right, 30 days to use this unique information or else ask (and receive) an immediate refund.

And if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the two bonuses as my free gift just for giving this a shot.

Fair enough?

So, Here’s What You Need To Do Next…

I urge you to take action right now and grab this material on “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published”.

Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this one. Grab your copy now by clicking here for our safe and secure order form.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

100% Safe & Secure Checkout


David Steel

P.S. You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is for ANYONE to use the resource “How to Confidently Write An Amazing Query Letter That Will Get Your Book Published”.

You won't need another overpriced course again to when you us the secrets in this resource...completely at my risk!

Use the button above to take advantage of this incredible offer!

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