At this moment, you may find yourself enticed by certain 'writing masters,' whose sole aim is to charm you into shelling out for their sky-high, underperforming courses...
It’s mesmerizing, isn't it?
You're skeptical?
Think about how much you've already spent on these courses. A handful of dollars? Or perhaps in the thousands?
They must have assured you that your publication dreams could be fulfilled by simply adopting their 'effortless' tactics.
Frankly, it's disheartening.
Why? Because they've fabricated the idea that you won’t be able to see your book in print, or even have it critiqued, WITHOUT THEIR HELP.
That's why I'm here to tell you - you've been misled.
The reality is, EVERYONE...yes, EVERYONE, has the opportunity to implement a straightforward strategy to exponentially increase their odds of seeing their work published.
And believe it or not, that includes you!
o Chapter 1: Preparing to Write your Query
o Chapter 2: The Four Basic Components of a Query Letter
o Chapter 3: Formatting your Query
o Chapter 4: The Body of Your Query Letter
o Chapter 5: Query Letter Red Flags
o Chapter 6: Things to Keep in Mind
o Chapter 7: Examples of Good Query Letters
o Chapter 8: The Agents’ Thoughts on Querying
o Chapter 9: Top Query Letter Mistakes
o Chapter 10: Blogs You Can Follow for Advice/Recommendations
o Chapter 11: Summary
o Character Development Worksheet
o Character Traits and Qualities Worksheet
o Planning Worksheet
o Setting Worksheet
2. How To Write An Amazing Query Letter
3. Introduction
4. It Has Been Said
5. Chapter 1 - Preparing To Write Your Query
6. Begin With The Right Mindset
7. Know and Research Your Genre
8. Define Your Goals For Success
9. Chapter 2
10. Component 1 - Opening Lines
11. Component 2 - Synopsis
12. Component 3 - The Author Bio
13. Component 4 - State Your Appreciation
14. Chapter 3 - Formatting Your Query
15. Can I Send A Handwritten Query?
16. What Font Should I Use?
17. Margin Spacing
18. Agent Information
19. Date
20. Closing
21. Envelope
22. What Is The Standard Format For Email Queries?
23. Chapter 4 - The Body of Your Query Letter
24. Personalizing Your Query
25. The Hook
26. Key Elements of Your Bio
27. Publication Credits
28. Work Career
29. Writing Credibility
30. Special Research
31. Yourself
32. Things Not To Mention
33. Closing Your Letter Professionally
34. Chapter 5 - Query Letter Red Flags
35. Chapter 6 - Things To Keep In Mind
36. Can I Compare Myself To Another Author?
37. If Email Queries Are Allowed
38. How Soon Should I Follow Up?
39. Should I Refer Agents To My Website?
40. Should I Send A Synopsis?
41. How To Find Agents
42. Chapter 7 - Examples of Good Query Letters
43. Chapter 8 - The Agents Thoughts on Querying
44. Should You Mention That You Have
Self Published?
45. What If You Are Writing A Book That Doesn't
Fall Into One Specific Genre?
46. How Many Query Rejections Would Necessitate A
Major Overhaul?
47. Can Your Query Be More Than One Page?
48. If An Agent Doesn't Request It
49. How Do You Follow Up With An Agent?
50. Chapter 9 - Top Query Letter Mistakes
51. Common Phrases Authors Should Not Include
52. Chapter 10 - Blogs You Can Follow
53. Chapter 11 - Summary
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