“If This Doesn’t Help You Write Positive Character Attributes Better and Faster…I’ll Kiss A Horse’s Butt And Love It!"

I Know What You’re Thinking…That’s Just Downright Disgusting!

Dear Distinguished Author,

One might wonder, "What have I done to deserve this?" But let's focus on the matter at hand, rather than our past misdemeanors, which we'll choose to forget for now (though, admittedly, they've added a dash of color to our lives, haven't they?).

We're here to talk about something rather sobering that's lurking in the shadows of the literary world. It's a challenge that many authors and hopeful writers face, the daunting reality of their stories remaining untouched on the shelves.

Does this sound familiar? If it does, then let's just say it's fate that you're reading this message right now.

Why aren't your stories turning into page-turners? The reasons usually boil down to two primary components:

1. Your masterpiece's visibility amongst a sea of books.The vitality of your characters that drive your narrative.

2. Unfortunately, many creative spirits stumble at these hurdles, especially the second one.

I've come across stories where the characters are so two-dimensional that calling them 'mediocre' feels like an undeserved compliment. Now, this isn't an attempt to rain on your parade, but could your book be treading the same path?

Attention, Fellow Word-Weaver, Your Novel Is On Line One. It's Pleading For Some Personality Injection...

An uncomfortable thought, isn't it? And yet, could it be possible? Might your narrative's lifeblood, your characters, lack the zest that leaves readers eagerly anticipating your next work?

If your readers aren't passionately awaiting your next book, we might have to confront an uncomfortable truth: your story hasn't made the impact it should.

The secret sauce? Craft characters who are as real as the person next door, characters readers can relate to, cheer for, and even despise.

Sure, there's a whole universe that explores the depths of emotions, expressions, and nuances that bring your characters to life. But, there's one crucial element many authors overlook in their character development.

Ready for the revelation? Let's take a short breather first...

Will I Become The Guy Known As ‘The Best Butt Kisser of Steed Indeed!’


The Complete Writer’s Guide To Writing 

Positive Character Attributes

Don’t You Dare Write One More Without It!

The Complete Writer’s Guide To Writing Character Emotions and Expressions course includes an easy to follow downloadable pdf guide, 4 step by step worksheets, and 24 take on the go audio mp3's that's designed specifically to help you create amazing character expressions and emotions.

While some people cling to drama, not everyone or even most people can go without some positivity in their lives. I dare say that most people crave it. And the same is true when it comes to the books they read.

With this resource in hand, you’ll know EXACTLY how to create positive character attributes that will make people actually believe your characters exist in real life!

As A Matter of Fact, It’s The #1 Resource Available For Helping Anyone Struggling

 With Writing Positive Character Attributes 

That Truly Wow!

Here's Just A Few of The Things You’re Learn…

  • How to use the ABC’s of positive attributes to bring your character to life

  • No fail characteristics of positive attributes

  • The key to using the G’s of positive attributes to generate feelings of generosity.

  • The I’s, D’s, K’s of positive attributes

  • And so much more…

So Here's The Bottom Line With The Complete Writer’s Guide To Writing Positive 

Character Attributes Kit

Even though this is already great offer, I want to make it even better and do something I've never done before.

Which is why I've decided to add 2 bonuses that I know you'll absolutely love.

That means not only does The Complete Writer’s Guide To Writing Positive Character Attributes course provide you a way to make your characters more believable and likeable, but to sweeten the pot you'll also get 2 bonuses which include:

Free Copy Of Our Writer's Toolkit

This will help you If you find yourself struggling to complete your book, tie the beginning, middle or end together or simply can't seem to find enough time to write;

The "Writer's Toolkit" will show you how to "Get It Done" and more.

Just tell us where to ship it and we'll get it out to you immediately! .

Plotting Your Way to Success

It's the easiest way to create compelling stories & perfect plots.

Just use this resource in your writing and you'll find yourself zooming through your ideas and putting them pad to pen in no time.

Once again, just tell us where to ship it and we'll get it out to you immediately!

So just to recap with you, here's exactly what you'll be getting with The Complete Writer’s Guide To Writing Positive Character Attributes Kit today.
• 4 Easy To Follow Along Worksheets

• 24 Take On The Go Audio Mp3’s

• Dynamic Customer Support – Priceless

• Free Copy Of Our Writer's Toolkit - Value

• Plotting Your Way to Success - Value

Now For Just $25... a true steal!

Take A Full 30 Days To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee

You Can Try Out This Entire Method Completely Risk Free.

You’re protected by our 30 day money-back guarantee. If for any reason at all you’re not completely satisfied, get in touch with our team and we will give you a complete refund. It’s that simple.

As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so....

Ready To Get Started? Great.
Here’s What You Need To Do Next…

Go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more!

Let's get started right now!

I look forward to seeing you on the inside,

David Steel


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