“Here’s The Paint By Numbers Strategy
That Makes It Easy For ANYONE To Sell Books… Even If You Totally Suck At Marketing!”


Only Venture Further if You're Set to Overcome the Daunting Challenge of Selling Your Book to a Wide Audience…

Dear Respected Author,

If you're tirelessly striving to see your book in the hands of countless readers without enduring constant frustration, then you've just found the solution to your predicament.

Does that bring you a sense of relief? It absolutely should. Because you're on the brink of uncovering a methodical solution that can ignite a surge of exposure for your book, transforming you into a compelling prospect for leading publishing houses.

“How to Sell Your First 10,000 Copies!”

Your Ultimate Problem-Solving Guide to Strategically Marketing Your Book for Peak Sales and Maximum Reach!

Don't Even Consider Selling Your Book

Without This Powerhouse Solution!

Your writing journey, past victories, or even prior setbacks don't define your future here.

The strategies embedded within this course can propel your book's exposure to unparalleled levels.

“Your Readers Will Be So Captivated, They'll

Practically Plead to Own Your Book!”

Claiming that this course delivers would be an understatement of epic proportions.

It shatters norms, surpassing anything you've ever experienced before!

But why simply rely on my assurances? Allow me to unveil a glimpse of what this revolutionary course encompasses, and the transformative knowledge you're about to gain.

Here's what you can expect:

  • How to effectively use this one thing to build up an audience that lets you effectively advertise traditional books as well as books on Kindle. 
  • The EXACT steps you must use in order to make sure building your audience is a success.
  • How to tap into the childlike nature in people by offering them something that they can’t refuse.
  • How to use the same strategy above to get people ready to give you a thumbs up that you can use for instant credibility.
  • How to take the oldest form of advertising and turn it into a marketing machine!
  • How to use the very social platforms you already use everyday and turn them into a book selling factory!
  • The combination for every social platform to make them work to your will.
  • And so much more!

I could spend the next two pages listing all the incredible benefits that the “How To Sell Your First 10,000 Copies” course will provide for you.

But why don’t I just show you what’s all included:

The How To Sell Your First 10,000 Copies PDF Guide

This step by step guide will take you from A to Z when it comes to possibly boosting your book sales. There’s no stone left unturned with this incredible, yet short guide.

And don’t worry. While it’s full of incredible how-to information, you can digest it all in one sitting. Here’s the chapter layout:

* Introduction

* Chapter 1 – Create an Online Event

* Chapter 2 – Giveaways/ Deals/Promotions to Get Your Book to the Higher On The Rankings List  

* Chapter 3 – The Power of Social Media and Word of Mouth

* Chapter 4 – Promote Your Book Through Big Personalities and Celebrities

* Conclusion

Four Easy To Follow Worksheets

While the pdf guide can stand without any other input, I've ramped things up with 4 extra super high octane worksheets that will help you quickly learn how to sell your first 10,000 copies guaranteed!

This is what you'll get today:

* Sell Your First 10,000 Copies                Worksheet 1

* Sell Your First 10,000 Copies                Worksheet 2

* Sell Your First 10,000 Copies                Worksheet 3

* Sell Your First 10,000 Copies                Worksheet 4

47 Take on The Go Audio MP3’s

With this audio set, you’ll be able to learn absorb the knowledge to help you sell your first 10,000 copies in no time.

This is great especially for the busy person. Just pop in your headphones, open them on your mp3 player, smartphone, or even while you’re riding in the car!

000.) Free Gifts

00.) Introduction

0.) Table of Contents

1.) Chapter 1 – Create An Online Event

2.) Identify Your Audience

3.) Setup A Registration Page For Your Online Event

4.) Creation of a Blog Post For Online Promotion

5.) Attaching a Link of The Venue

6.) Creating a Page on Social Media

7.) Strategies Related to Twitter Engagement

8.) Facebook Strategies

9.) Invitations to People

10.) Target Audience

11.) A Unique Place For The Event

12.) Marketing

13.) Chapter 2 – Giveaways, Deals, Promotions to Get

Your Book Higher On The Rankings List

14.) Deals

15.) Testimonials

16.) Number of Reviews

17.) Ratings

18.) Blog

19.) Publication Date For The Book

20.) Creating a Video For Promotion

21.) Pre-launch Promotion

22.) Social Media

23.) Chapter 3 – The Power of Social Media and Word

of Mouth

24.) Social Media

25.) Facebook

26.) Linked In

27.) Twitter

28.) Instagram

29.) Attaching Images

30.) Links In your Bio

31.) Organizing Contests

32.) Best Time to Post

33.) Post Regularly

34.) Use Hashtags

35.) Ask Questions

36.) Campaigns

37.) Targeting Influencers

38.) Honesty Is Key

39.) Be a Leader and Influencer

40.) Chapter 4 – Promote Your Book Through Big

Personalities or Celebrities

41.) Promoting Your Book In Stores

42.) Promoting Your Book On YouTube

43.) Conclusion

44.) Close – Free Gifts

And if you ever get stuck, you’ll get dynamic 100% satisfaction customer support ASAP!

“You Think That Once You Sell Your First 10,000 

Copies That Publishing Companies Won’t Want To Work With You? Think Again!”

While it’s true that you’ll receive raving fans and notoriety selling your first 10,000 copies – the REAL BENEFIT is that you will have already shown that you can sell books to any publishing company.

So now it makes it even more attractive to work with you because you already have a following and have shown yourself in the market.

And when you’ve shown that?

Well…get ready for the flood gates to open!

Snatch Up These One of a Kind Bonuses When You Take Action Today At No Extra Cost.

Needless to say, this information is jam packed with the jealously guarded secrets that will help any writer or author learn “How to Sell Your First 10,000 Copies” .

Truth is, you'll never find this in-depth information in any book, manual, or course online.

But even with that said, just to sweeten the pot a bit I'm also going to hand you 2 special bonuses to reward you for taking action immediately.

Here they are:

Bonus #1: Free Copy Of Our Writer's Toolkit.

If you find yourself struggling to complete your book, tie the beginning, middle or end together or simply can't seem to find enough time to write; The "Writer's Toolkit" will show you how to "Get It Done" and more.

Just tell us where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you immediately!

Bonus #2: Plotting Your Way to Success

It’s the easiest way to create compelling stories & perfect plots.

Just use this resource in your writing and you’ll find yourself zooming through your ideas and putting them pad to pen in no time.

Once again, just tell us where to ship it and we’ll get it out to you immediately!

I’m Giving You A Full 30 Day “Test Drive”

Absolutely Risk Free

If you’re not 110% happy with this product, I want you to ask for every penny back no questions asked.

No hoops to jump through or endless support forms. Just send an email and I’ll refund your money.

And if you decide to opt for a refund I still want you to keep the two bonuses as my free gift just for giving this a shot.

Fair enough?

I know you're probably still skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this - if you keep doing the same things over and over again - you'll only succeed in getting the same results.

That's why I want to let try out my tested marketing strategy - completely and totally risk-free! 

Here's Your Only Chance To Learn

How To Sell Your First 10,000 Copies Before It Disappears Forever.

Everything is ready for you to go in digital format.

That means you can start using these strategies and tactics IN THE NEXT 3 MINUTES!

And like I said before, once you learn the formula for selling your first 10,000 copies, you simply repeat the process over and over for every book you create.

So don’t delay.

Go ahead and get access now and I’ll see you on the inside.

Go ahead and click the button below.

I look forward to seeing your results,

David Steel

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email to Support @ WritersLife.org

or by giving us a call at 1-919-521-8981

 Monday - Friday from 10am to 8pm Eastern U.S.A. 

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